The original was once a wallet sized image that had been enlarged on one of those Do-It-Yourself Photo Kiosks that you can find in most department stores now. PJ had wanted a larger size of this photo to display. She was unable to locate the original wallet size for me to use and the reprint had turned color somehow and was rather blurry. I returned the image to B&W and fixed the scratched and other wear to the image. I was able to sharpen the image a little, but I'm still hoping she'll find the original so that I can get her a clearer picture.
This image was rather difficult because of how overexposed the original was. I cleaned it up and increased the contrast to bring out the features more.
This image was probably the least worn and required very little work to fix. I only had to fix a few scratches and spots, then brighten it up a bit. I also returned it to an original B&W color since the original had begun to yellow a bit. I chose this image, also, to color. That was a very time-consuming project, but I think the end product turned out rather well. I chose colors that I thought were suited to the time period and that I thought would work well for the picture. As it turns out, the painting on the wall got recolored almost dead on, according to PJ, as she remembers that most of all since she still has it somewhere.
After I completed the coloring, I desaturatd it them just a little since they tend to look overly bright initially.
All in all, it was a great experience working with these images and I hope to do more restoration work in the future. If you would like any restoration work done, please send me an e-mail and we can work out the details.